Ever cried when watching?


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Have you ever watched a movie where you got to cry? How was the feeling like? I cried when I watched 3 idiots back then.
I watch Schindler's List, which even just typing this is making me teary eye.
I watch Schindler's List, which even just typing this is making me teary eye.

Never seen it, really that much of a sob story?
I haven't recently cried watching a movie or tv show. I may of cried watching a tv show or movie when I was younger.
I have on a few occasions cried during a movie. The first one I ever remember crying at was Never Ending Story, I remember it was something to do with the horse getting stuck in the mud I think it was, and sinking. The next time I remember crying at a movie was The Titanic during the sinking and seeing some of the images in the movie and knowing that was real life for so many people once.
I have on a few occasions cried during a movie. The first one I ever remember crying at was Never Ending Story, I remember it was something to do with the horse getting stuck in the mud I think it was, and sinking. The next time I remember crying at a movie was The Titanic during the sinking and seeing some of the images in the movie and knowing that was real life for so many people once.
I hate watching animals suffer in any way. I don't want to know if it's in the movies or real life, I just don't like it.