Ever thought about being a police officer ?


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Not really since I need to be very physically fit, run very fast to chase after criminals, and tackle big strong criminals which can be difficult since I'm not a muscular person.

But, I always thought being a police officer is pretty awesome since they get to drive around in a police car or motorcycle, and arrest people who break the law.
My dream was to become a police officer and help super heros catch villains when I was a kid, but right now I don't think being a police officer is a good job.
I use to think about what it was like to be a police officer, or join the Military when I was a kid. But, I'm sure most people I know will disapprove of me doing either job and find ways to talk me out of it since a lot of people believe jobs which requires a gun or lethal weapons like a "Tank, Submarine, Fighter Jet,etc" to "protect and serve" is very dangerous.
nope, I've watched cops and don't wish to go through the crap they do.
I wish I could become one or at least a detective.
My life would be complete, if were to become one. But unfortunately, life got other plans for me.
no, but would like to be a detective. Much more safe than being a police officer on duty (plus i can decide when to work/take clients)
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no, but would like to be a detective. Much more safe than being a police officer on duty (plus i can decide when to work/take clients)

Like Sherlock Holmes, THE Consulting Detective?
I wouldn't want to be a police officer. I've heard what they go through at Depo (The training ground for all RCMP in Canada)... and it's not something I want to do. Especially the pepper spray part. (Each recruit gets pepper sprayed in the face so they know what it feels like and how to handle it.) I don't recall if they still get tased or not, but it wouldn't surprise me. Though the range time would be fun.

As far as the show COPS goes, I think it's worth pointing out that they follow those officers for weeks to get enough footage for a single 30 minute episode. Most times police work is dull and full of paperwork. Lots of making phone calls and following up with people.

I think it's also worth pointing out, that in Canada anyway, most police officers only ever draw their service weapons on requalification day each year. Beyond that most (by that I mean like over 95%) will never fire their weapon in the line of duty. So it's not as dangerous as people want to think it is. That said it's still more dangerous than something like cashier at a walmart just because they do deal with the criminal element more than most people.