Ever thought about being self-employed?


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Yes, I think it would be interesting in owning a video game and computer store. However, I don't have the cash or knowledge to do get started.
Yes, I think it would be interesting in owning a video game and computer store. However, I don't have the cash or knowledge to do get started.

this, and that it be a big hassle to do.
Indeed, but going to work, and school/self-learning to get more skills for a job can also be a huge hassle.

Some employers can have unrealistic demands on their employee like "finish work ahead of schedule, must be ready to work on evenings, mornings, and afternoon even on days off, must be a self-learner and willing to learn new skills in a short amount of time, must travel to far away workplace, own a car, etc."
So many times, but I know my limitations and I don't like to take chances at all.
So, I would rather not get into self-employment.
many times, but i don't have the ability to do so. Would rather go for the already laid path than making a path for myself in this one