Ever uninstalled Apps, and delete files to free up Storage space for a Mobile game for tablet/phone?


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Yes, I deleted most of my un-needed apps, and deleted files I don't need anymore, so I can free up more space to install more games on my tablet which just has 16GB of storage, and haven't installed a 128GB or smaller MicroSD card on my tablet.

Surprisingly, I can fit a few big games on my tablet, and still have around 3 GB of free space left over for downloading files which are under 3 GB in size.

I would buy a 128GB MicroSD card to install on my tablet, but 128GB cards cost $40, so I'm waiting for them to come down in price like $10-20 because $40 is somewhat expensive for me.
Once you root a phone yeah you can delete stuff easily, but I have done so to make sure there is enough storage.
Yeah, I uninstall apps and delete files almost on a weekly basis. I should get a larger SD card, but I'd rather wait to get a better phone first.
All the time, our iPad Air only has 16GB of memory and it fills up fast. I also just need to get rid of games I never play.