PS2 Excellent Mecha Jrpg, Front Mission 5 Now Runs Good With PS2 Emulator And HD Graphics And Shaders Enhancements


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Just tried and it's nice, and the english fan patch works nicely too and with HD up-scaled res too, though I am keeping the aspect ratio 4:3 like the original. Recorded A cutscene:
Took some pics of the excellent strategic mecha combat:


Recorded another cutscene:
so wait this is a ported ps2 game?
Nope it's a PS2 game, HD enhanced with the PS2 Emulator and working nicely. I bought the japan only Front mission 5 game waay back for ps2. Extracted the game to Iso and playing it with the latest PS2 emulator build complete with 100% completed english fan patch.
Just installed new mecha legs with nice evade % on Hero's mecha, named Frost, and new mecha right arm with high accuracy%, both parts sacrificed some HP and Defense but worth it. took pics:


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Installed new mecha legs for Randy's Mecha because he is a mechnic class pilot his mecha carries a heavy repair module and thus needs mecha legs that are strong enough to carry the stuff.

Since Cutscenes are in 3d real time, all your mechas' looks in your squad will also change during cutscenes depending on their mecha parts setup. A nice touch.
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Recorded Freedom City Defense mission:


Gameplay P1:
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The Rest of the battle:
The game's art director is Yusuke Naora, one of the art directors that did FFs.

Saw The game's heroine that will be playable later, S-Type Assault Mecha Combat Pilot Class, Lynn Wennright character artwork, and she's also hero's future waifu lol :

And Front mission 3 Emma's "new" look in front mision 5 character artwork:
Recorded Pesseta City Defense Mission:

Cutscene before The Battle, Time to fly:

The battle P1:
The Battle P2:

Cutscene after the battle:

The HDR lighting enhancements during cutscenes via the emulator are great.
Hero, Walter Feng just joined one of USN's (USN is Front Mission's version of USA and Russia is OCU) elite mecha strike forces, The Strike Wayverns and met his future waifu, Lynn lol, recorded cutscenes:

Mission Briefing:

The Mecha HALO Air Drop Scene of Walter and his Strike Wyvern fellow commandos is cool:
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When fans do a better job than the makers :p

It's a dang shame Square Enix botched it with the Front Mission spinoff game, Left Alive. hopefully SE will make a new FM game that's true to the series...
Just completed a tough mission, Lynn's Mecha has a big ass long range gun lol, recorded the scene:
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Will be fighting terrorists next, recorded the mission briefing: