Expanding the advertisement board


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This is something I've been thinking over for awhile, would members here like the advertisement board expanded? If so this is what I'm thinking on doing:

Move it out of the subboards and down to the bottom on the forum as a main board.

Add a post exchange board

Add a service board where you use Shards to buy services for your forum like:
-X number of posts on a site
-quick review of your stie

-move the internet board here to promote more online chat

-and a tip section on how to advertise.

I figure by doing this I would be able to draw in some of the internet people who post around to advertise and give more use to our forum shards money.

So, thoughts?
I guess that it promotes more activity, but is there a way to moderate it to make sure it doesn't get abused?
I don't think adding a post exchange section would be all that beneficial to you/GamingForce. I mean I can't see very many people wanting to use it. Plus it'd need constant supervision since post exchanges tend to be one place where people get screwed over constantly. (I mean you know what it's like yourself how some people won't hold up their end of the bargain. Or they'll change the plan part way through. Or their site will close on you. )

Though I think having the ad section slightly more prominently could be useful to you. (Have people join to post their site's ads could possibly work out for you. Plus you could incorporate more webmaster discussion there instead of placing it in the internet section.)
advertisements and discuss will remain all forums, but I'm thinking of keeping the offered services strictly gaming/anime/tech related. That way I can at least pull the sites to me which I can in turn go on to and advertise my forum in anyway.

One problem I have in advertising is, they say go on the same kind of forums. I say where are these forums? I've googled the sites but the most that come up are huge sites that know they are targeted for advertisement and have strict rules that make it pointless.
Well, you certainly implemented this quickly.

Though I kind of think you should have kept the internet chat as a separate forum (in the Powered Off) section and created a new forum for Control Panel. Since the Internet Chat's topics seem kind of at odds with the new Control Panel section. (Internet Chat being about news related to other sites while Control Panel being more about running/maintaining your own.)

In terms of advertising...
Larger sites are hard to advertise on for a number of reasons. (Staff tend to clamp down on people advertising because they don't want everyone advertising their sites there, especially if it competes for attention. Though also because you get all kinds of people who think "I'll make a site and it'll be popular" and try to steal thunder from those who worked hard and they don't want to allow/encourage that.)
Plus most people on larger sites are there because there are so many more people to interact with (and thusly they may not want to join a smaller site even if it'd be a better fit). 
And advertising on smaller sites doesn't always work well either because they're smaller with fewer people and none of them may be interested in joining you. (But you can bet they're looking to have people from your site join them to boost them up.)
Though sometimes instead of looking into the same genre it's worth branching out into those who maybe don't cover gaming as in depth. General chat sites, anime or maybe tech sites that could also see gaming as a side topic for them? 