Facebook friend limits


Well-Known Member
Facebook limits the amount of people you can request per time period, i think thats wrong! Thoughts?

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As for your topic, I would say that's unfair but needed to keep people from spamming up friends.
FB probably limit friend requests to prevent members from making FB website laggy or unstable like Twitter with the Fail Whale and to prevent spambots.
I think Facebook does not want to be as hated as e-mail when it comes to spamming since e-mail is the most well known source of spam for most people.
I don't have a problem with friend request limits. I add like one person per month because I don't have so many friends :P Most are some random acquaintances or relatives.
Facebook should spend all their time, effort, and money to improve the world's worst instant messaging system, Facebook Chat.

Having the same thoughts here actually. It's quite buggy especially with the additional Facebook email (which I'm really into) feature they added.

Is it just me or are they planning to be like Yahoo? :turned:

Facebook friends limit? I think it's at 5000 friends. But, seriously, I think Facebook just remove it or atleast lift the limit up. :unsure:
I think it's fine. If you're adding friends as a new account, you can get them to add you instead!
Also, this measure prevents mass spamming of friends by bots that spam links on your walls.