Facebook Passes Yahoo as 3rd Largest Website


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Facebook is now the third most visited website on the Internet, according to new data released by ComScore.

According to the analysis firm, Facebook counted 648 million unique visitors in November, which puts it ahead of Yahoo with 630 million, but behind Microsoft and Google.

ComScore also said that Facebook serves 23% of all online ads in the U.S. and provided videos to 58.5 million users, beating yahoo with 53.9 million. Google's DoubleClick ad planner was recently updated that also reflects the increase in traffic to Facebook. Google estimates that Facebook has about 600 million unique users and about 750 billion page views per month. Yahoo is listed with 410 million unique users and 70 billion page views.

In related news, securities firm Nyppex estimates Facebook's value now at about $41.2 billion. Yahoo has a market capitalization of about $21.4 billion.


I wonder what people mainly do on Yahoo. I mainly just use it for Yahoo mail and Yahoo Answers these days, but nothing more since they shut down Geocities.
Yahoo has been unpopular lately. Thing is though most people use FB on their phone, not on the internet where Yahoo is inferior.
I still use Yahoo more than Facebook, LOL..
I wonder how long it take for Twitter to beat Yahoo since Twitter is pretty popular as well if you count people using twitter widgets embed on personal websites.