Facebook Replaces Google as Most Visited Website


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The social media site beats search engine in visits for the first time and was the top search term for the second year in a row.

Mark Zuckerberg continues to have a banner year in 2010. According to research by marketing analysts at Experian Hitwise, Facebook supplanted search engine giant Google for the first time as the top-visited website of the year.

The social media site accounted for 8.93 percent of all U.S. visits between January and November 2010 while Google had 7.19 percent of visits. Last year, Facebook placed third behind second place Yahoo! Mail and first place Google.

Facebook maintained its dominance in the most-searched terms category for the second year in a row. It accounted for 2.11 percent of all searches with the term "facebook login" moving from the ninth to the second spot this year. In fact, four out of ten of the most-searched terms of 2010 include the word "facebook."

In other categories, Kim Kardashian beat Oprah, Rush Limbaugh, Miley Cyrus and Glenn Beck as the top people search term while Lady Gaga and Dancing with the Stars beat out Justin Bieber and American Idol respectively.


It must be all those Facebook Games and Apps which are making people visit Facebook so much since they can be kind of addicting. Plus, Facebook has more social interaction on Facebook with other members since more people are using Facebook for chat, private messaging, and sharing multimedia with family, friends, and co-workers.
This can't be happening

Why is that? Facebook is getting more popular everyday, there is a movie about Facebook, and books about Facebook. I think people also spend more time on Facebook because of its addicting qualities like addicting flash games, apps, fan clubs, and the friendship for the lonely.

All the popular and up and coming celebrities like Ellen, Oprah, and Dr. Phil has a Facebook for their fans to "Like" and interact with other fans and themselves.
Wow, congrats to Facebook. Pretty impressive.
I wonder does this mean if more people are spending more time socializing online with Social networks rather then searching for new information to read.
It is hard to believe for me as well, but many people these days get most of their info for news, sports, weather, and other stuff from Cell phone and smartphone apps, desktop widgets, RSS feeds, social bookmarking sites like digg.com, Twitter and Facebook, so I'm guessing people are starting to use search engines less since it requires too much work compared to just checking status updates on apps and social network sites.
Facebook seems like the hip thing to do since Ellen, Oprah, Dr. Phil, Justin Beiber musicians, actors, artist and a ton of other famous people all use Facebook to stay in touch with their fans.

Facebook is almost like a forum where people meet up to talk to friends about different topics while search is like a robot which finds results for you.

What I like about Facebook is that it almost never return back "Page not Found" errors since as long as Facebook is up, their fanpages are also up.