Fallout 4 to use metro system again


Well-Known Member
It looks like from the gameplay reveal, the metro system we saw in Fallout 3 is being used again in Fallout 4. I personally, am a bit skeptical about this. I have a few not so fond memories of getting trapped in the DC subway system just trying to finish a quest. Yet, this could be caused by my inability to read the map correctly and my complaints could mean nothing. However, I'm still a tad worried that the Boston subway system will be a repeat of a maze-like structure that can easily cause headaches from one visit. Thoughts?


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That's kind of lame, the metro was really repetitive and annoying. I didn't like it much. I liked New Vegas a LOT more than FO3 and the lack of an annoying metro system was one of the reasons.

But whatever. On the upside, New Vegas was in a desert, so it made sense not to have a metro system at all, but FO4 seems to have actual cities like FO3, so it makes sense to have it, even if it's not that great.
I didn't really mind the metro in FO3. The only bothersome moment I can remember is when an escort quest (don't remember the name) glitched and I couldn't finish it. 

So yeah, in general I have no problem with them bringing it back, I liked exploring it, as long as they fix a few annoying glitches. 
I loathed the Metro system in Fallout 3. It wasn't interesting, it was repetitive and very lengthy to travel through. The least fun hours of the gameplay.
I feel the same about all those caves and ruins in the Elder Scrolls series. After clearing the 27th cave that looks mostly the same and featured mostly the same enemies and items, I felt very little motivation to explore the rest of the 150 remaining caves...
I didn't like the metro on Fallout 3, I just can't imagine any way to make travelling through dark unused tunnels enjoyable. Maybe if you could use the metro as a place to build a settlement? Or if it was less complicated or came with a map that made it simpler to navigate, it can't be like the last one again :down: