Multi Fallout 76


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Bethesda Game Studios director Todd Howard revealed Fallout 76 today and promised that more info would be told at E3 2018. It's being rumored it will be a online RPG type game, but nothing offical has been said yet.
Not sure what to think if it is an online RPG. Not really my type of game, also could be rushed as Bethesda Game Studios usually take ages between releases. I'll reserve judgement for now though.
It's a bit upsetting that this is the direction the Fallout series is heading in. Fallout 4 was already a very divisive entry. People new to the series loved it, but many longtime fans were pretty upset with it, myself included. The gameplay was alright, but it just didn't feel like a Fallout game. It was really missing that Fallout charm. I fear the worst for this latest entry, as it seems that we're heading down the path of Elder Scrolls Online. I'll give it a chance, but my expectations aren't very high. Perhaps I'll be pleasantly surprised, who knows.
Well from the trailer it won't be a bad game since it about 4 times of fallout 4 which was good by my standard anyway.Though there's a lot of insinuations of falling off standard of expectations from gamers but I think the gameplay will be great well,this is just me though others might disagree.
It's a bit upsetting that this is the direction the Fallout series is heading in. Fallout 4 was already a very divisive entry. People new to the series loved it, but many longtime fans were pretty upset with it, myself included. The gameplay was alright, but it just didn't feel like a Fallout game. It was really missing that Fallout charm. I fear the worst for this latest entry, as it seems that we're heading down the path of Elder Scrolls Online. I'll give it a chance, but my expectations aren't very high. Perhaps I'll be pleasantly surprised, who knows.
I don’t think it’ll be the direction they take for future games, rather they want to try something different on the side. If this was how they wanted the series to go in the future I imagine they’d call it Fallout 5 instead.