Fallout Shelter


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It is currently out now for IOS devices. A surprise announcement!
Looks amazing right, was very happy when I saw them announce this as it just looks super fun. I just wish it was for Android, the way it was said makes it seem like it is a iOS exclusive. 
Damn, this looks really sick. It reminds me of SimTower lol. Did they ever say when it would be released? I haven't picked up Fallout 3 in a long time and I'm really stoked to get back into all of it.
I wonder if it will be freemium or premium...
Martin said:
I doubt it. They said they had been working with Apple to create it - that smells like iOS exclusivity to me.
Wow, I really didn't expect them to release a game for tablets.  I do hope it comes out on Androids eventually though.  It does remind me of like a 2d sims game though, so I'm not too sure how to feel about that.  It seems to have had a pretty good response though, so maybe it'll become one of those timewaster games people play?

If it is iOS only though, that'd be kinda terrible xD
Apparently this app has already surpassed Candy Crush for the number 1 slot on the Apple store.  It looks like fun but might get a little tedious after a while.  I will have to give it a try at some point.
Yeah, I heard that it surpassed it too. It is something I'd love to be able to try, but its iOS exclusive. Oh android :(
Man, Fallout Shelter looks really entertaining, I wish I could play it. Sadly, I went with Windows Phone instead of iOS. Sure, it was cheaper and the OS is fantastic, but the low install base means that we WPers keep getting screwed when it comes to app selection!
The most interesting thing is that it looks like a F2P game that doesn't try to sell you shit ALL the time.
It looks like a mobile game I would actually like to play. It is too bad that it isn't for android. Hopefully, they'll port it eventually, even if this does seem unlikely.
I've been playing this game since its release and it is the most fun I've had since Clash of Clans. i love the ability to fully customize my vault and keep tabs on every person in my vault. It's a great installment in the Fallout franchise and I am so glad to see that Fallout has expended onto the mobile platform. 
I've played it briefly on my brother's iPad, I was hooked! 

Todd Howard implemented their influences from FTL pretty well.
i.e. Your vault is doing simply fine. Then suddenly: Raiders. And you only have one gun. And one armor. Production is thwarted. People die. (at least you can revive them) 

It's not as unforgiving as FTL is but it feels good to play a game where things can (and will) go wrong when you least expect it. 
It's out now on the app store and looks pretty cool! For free too it's worth a download just to see what you think. Has 4 out of 5 stars to far so can't be bad!
I began playing this last week. I really enjoy it, except that it keeps crashing often. :*( I like that it has a lot of humorous bits, and is a fun time sink, micromanaging your vault and your dwellers. It caps out at 200 dwellers, so once I reach that, I likely won't play anymore, unless new future updates add more features. I'm around 30 dwellers right now, so have a ways to go still :)