Favorite Christmas movies


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I want to make sure I don't miss any classics as well as any newer movies this holiday season. Let me know some of your absolute favorites please!
The year without a santa clause is mine.
Aw... no other suggestions? The Polar Express, The Grinch (Jim Carey), and The Muppets Christmas Carol has played in our house so far.
Arthur Christmas is another great animated film. Obviously, the two Home Alone movies are amazing as well which is why we always make sure to watch them every single year.
Of course! How can I forget the Home Alone movies and Charlie Brown Christmas! Thanks for the ideas guys! Please keep them coming! :)
It's been over 18 months now, I never taken my face into the screen to watch any movies. I do watch football matches, not often like I do before. My activities online have taken over my time.
I actually enjoy the live action Grinch lol

Nightmare Before Christmas is actually on rotation during the entire year.
Jingle All The Way
Deck The Halls
Christmas with the Kranks

Those 3 are my go to when watchin Christmas movies.
Home Alone 1&2 and Jingle All The Way are Christmas classics as far as I'm concerned! :sunglasses:

For a bit of romance, there's The Holiday and Love Actually. Both are worth a watch if you haven't seen them.

This year we also watched a relatively new one called Click & Collect, which was pretty enjoyable too, but is more of a film for adults again.
Since we're in the Christmas season, let's bump this for all the new guys!
I’m partial to the older cartoons such Year without a Santa Claus, Santa Claus Is Comin' to Town, Frosty, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.