Favorite Social network?

My own social networking site is my fav. lol
My own social networking site is my fav. lol
Hey, Biased opinion here!!!

I don't have a favorite social network. I don't use many of them. I suppose if I had to choose it would be twitter but I can't stand that much either.
Sorry, there isn't enough topless werewolves for me over there.
I pick Facebook since I use it to keep in touch with family members from far away because they don't use other social networks like Myspace, Twitter, or Vine. Plus, it is the only social network with decent flash games, and online games without going to a flash games site like Miniclips.com.
I have 2 kinds of favorite. MY favorite social network for keeping in touch with family and friends is obviously Facebook. IT's the easiest to use and is used more by my friends and family. As for using social networks to promote my forum, I probably like Facebook and twitter combined. Facebook is great for gaining new likes, but twitter is great for posting updates etc.
AidsorHIV said:
Hey, Biased opinion here!!!

I don't have a favorite social network. I don't use many of them. I suppose if I had to choose it would be twitter but I can't stand that much either.
hehe Actually it has been replaced by a nice Xenforo forum. :grin:
I only use facebook, so I guess that's my favourite :p
hehehe Facebook is pretty cool. I've been on there a couple of years. :grin: