Favourite credits sequences in games?


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For me, quite a few come to mind.


The main one is the ending and credits of Super Mario 64. The music is just so perfectly chosen for the whole thing and works so well.

The bit showing all the levels is best, but I never quite understood why they show Wiggler in Tiny Huge Island after they show Hazy Maze Cave, seeing how the levels are going in perfect number order until then and this level just sticks out. The scenes themselves are quite charming though, and I love how the levels are just as you left them in game, complete with blue stars if collected, and that the status of the Snowman in Cool Cool Mountain depends on whether you actually beat said mission. It's much better when games show cut scenes and ending credits in the game engine, isn't it?


This is a nice one as well, from Yoshi's Island. It's also the second use of the pre rendered style that I hear the developers were once planning to use for the whole game before they decided to go with the hand drawn style as a response to Donkey Kong Country.

So what credits sequences in games do you think are best?
I remember being a big fan of Donkey Kong Country's credits. I liked seeing all of the baddies and their names =)
Modern Warfare 2 had a kind of cool ending. They put the models of major characters with a backdrop of each mission in different exhibits in a museum documenting events in the war.
It's basically a big museum showing all the weapons, vehicles, and missions and you could go through it. When you walk up to an exhibit, the characters start to move and re-enact something. It's a bit unique, but one of my favorite parts is that you can grab all the weapons and press a red button on the front desk that says DO NOT PRESS (pressing someething that says do not press is ALWAYS a good idea. But it's too tempting and they knew it!) All the characters in the room come to life and start attacking you, so you better hope you stacked up on weapons and ammo because they're not average foot soldiers, you'll be in for a bit of a fight.

It was quite unique and fun. I really liked that, it entertained me for quite a while.

Can't beat a song legitly written to be in the credits, and sung by the final boss.


Can't beat a song legitly written to be in the credits, and sung by the final boss.

How could I have forgotten that? That was what made the game. I loved the credits, the song was amazing and I was even more amazed afterwards when I got to the title hearing the radio music realizing the tune was on the radio since the beginning which was fun.
Modern Warfare 2 had a kind of cool ending. They put the models of major characters with a backdrop of each mission in different exhibits in a museum documenting events in the war.
It's basically a big museum showing all the weapons, vehicles, and missions and you could go through it. When you walk up to an exhibit, the characters start to move and re-enact something. It's a bit unique, but one of my favorite parts is that you can grab all the weapons and press a red button on the front desk that says DO NOT PRESS (pressing someething that says do not press is ALWAYS a good idea. But it's too tempting and they knew it!) All the characters in the room come to life and start attacking you, so you better hope you stacked up on weapons and ammo because they're not average foot soldiers, you'll be in for a bit of a fight.

It was quite unique and fun. I really liked that, it entertained me for quite a while.

I remember that ending. Heck, I remember reading just the concept for it online and thinking it was quite a clever idea. As for the topic, a few more classic credits sequences/endings:

I liked OoT's ending credits. They were sad in a happy way.


I like MM's more though. I mean watching them you know you beat the game, but you also get the feeling of depression even after the game ends. For example when the Deku buttler finally finds his son.
He's just sitting there crying and you have to feel sorry for the poor man. I mean his son is just a mere tree now. And he looks sooooo sad...
This made me cry a bit when I first heard it, dont know why.

Katamari Damacy's end made me feel all fuzzy inside

Mother 3's end made me cry like a manchild
Come to think of it, most of that game made me cry like a manchild...
Damnit its happening again... ;-;
Why did you have to die Hinawa?

Portal has to be my favorite though, I love Jonathan Coulton.
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