Final Fantasy 12 - the Zodiac Age


Active Member
So I played this game about 10 years ago, called Final Fantasy 12. Loved it but never finished it. But now there is a remastered version out on PS4 called the Zodiac Age. And I'm falling in love all over again :)
I played this way back on PS2, got it on release day no less which was around the time of conferences, which gave me plenty of time to play it with some school days off.

Anyways, I did like it at first, thankfully I learned how to get that zodiac spear from the start (is that still in this revamp game? Where you can't collect any chests till a certain part?) But after while I did get tired of the game, I'm not sure why but I think it was due to either the very large world of bland gameplay. I know I picked it up again later but didn't finish it. Despite that I did get the sequel on 3DS and fully played it.