Final Fantasy XII Review

Nice, idk if it's just me but playing those classics just gets me so immersed... it was a time when story drove the game and the graphics didn't matter so much (even though FF has graphics ahead of its time). Once I vacate the arctic tundra I am currently inhabiting I'll look into IV.
No, start with the GBA one. Being an expert on IV, the NDS version was significantly harder than the SNES, PS1, or GBA versions.

Well, if you think games now have bad stories, play any of the newer games from Rockstar. LA Noire, Red Dead Redemption, Max Payne 3; great games.
Well, if you think games now have bad stories, play any of the newer games from Rockstar. LA Noire, Red Dead Redemption, Max Payne 3; great games.

Didn't say they have bad stories, just by comparison it's become more about other aspects in recent years. For the record I've played those titles and I agree, they are great games with great stories.
Well back in the day, they had bad technology, and games didn't have much going for them except story and gameplay. Now, all aspects are important to a game being good. Plus, there is far less limitations now, so we can have worlds as big as Red Dead rather than a world as big as Final Fantasy IV.