Final GF Monthly Update 7/2/15


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It's a new month! This is the final update under the banner Gamingforce! And new updates on the GF board.


First off, I congratulate froggyboy604 as the new member of the month! His constant tech posts are very much welcome on the GF forums.

E3 2015

Like a storm, it has come and past leaving us lots of juicy new games to steal our money. I hoped you enjoyed it as it brought a lot of great activity to the forum. See below for the impressive stats.

Edge Gamer

We have done a lot under the name Gamingforce, but in a attempt to give the place a new breath of fresh air and a better future, we will lay the GF title to rest and rebrand ourselves as Edge Gamer! Me and the rest of the staff will be spending this month to test and perfect the new forum that will go live next month, if you like to help us test it out near its completion please let me know.

Already a few changes have happened like the index change and selecting a new skin.

This branding will make the forum even better for your use, so I hope you help us spread the word and finally make GF the greatest place to be for gaming news.

Well that is it, the next major announcement will be about forum downtime which I should post near the end of July. Enjoy GF till then!

We currently have 149,808 Posts and 1,664 members. In the last month we gain 3,311 posts and 155 members. Both stats up from last month! :)
Whoa....3k posts in a month.
That's really something.
Good job guys :grin: