Finding the "sweet spot"

Hollie Rose

Well-Known Member
I've heard people complain about how you are "restricted" because of the 3D, since it doesn't work if you don't look at it straight on (which is typically how I play handhelds).

Does anyone have problems or feel uncomfortable holding the 3DS to see the 3D?
No, not at all.
For me at least, the range is reasonable both horizontally and vertically, and in terms of distance from my eyes, i can vary it by about 4 or 5 inches and still be able to get the 3D effect just fine.
Yeah, that's the same for me.

I've just kinda assumed that people that complain about it haven't actually played a 3DS.
Last night the 3d was working amazingly its ever been.It looked like you were actually looking inside it perfectly.
Yeah, that's the same for me.

I've just kinda assumed that people that complain about it haven't actually played a 3DS.
I think most of the people who complain will fit into one of three categories:
1)As you suggested, they haven't actually played on a 3DS.
2)They have some sort of eye problem that means they cannot view the 3D effect properly; something the 3DS can hardly be blamed for.
Or 3)They are just the sort of people that complain about and pick holes in everything. They expect the whole 3D effect to just be laid on a plate for them and be viewable at any angle, without any effort on their part to stay looking straight ahead, oblivious as they are to the natural limitations of the technology.

Although, incidently, the 3D effect can be viewed at an angle. As you tilt the 3DS to the left or right, the 3D effect will be lost as the images go out of sync, but once you get to a point where you're looking at the screen at about a 45 degree angle, it works again. Or at least it does for me.
Yeah, that's the same for me.

I've just kinda assumed that people that complain about it haven't actually played a 3DS.
I think most of the people who complain will fit into one of three categories:
1)As you suggested, they haven't actually played on a 3DS.
2)They have some sort of eye problem that means they cannot view the 3D effect properly; something the 3DS can hardly be blamed for.
Or 3)They are just the sort of people that complain about and pick holes in everything. They expect the whole 3D effect to just be laid on a plate for them and be viewable at any angle, without any effort on their part to stay looking straight ahead, oblivious as they are to the natural limitations of the technology.

Give this man a cookie.
Also, when someone complains about the 3D and someone else tells them that you can easily turn off the 3D and then the person complaining says playing a 3DS without the 3D is just like playing a DS.

I sometimes play mine with the 3D off and I still think it looks great.
Precisely. The 3DS has vastly superior graphical capabilities than the DS. And it has a wider top scree, and it has new control inputs (the cricle pad, the accelerometer, and the gryo sensors).
I guess some people a just ignorant and refuse to look up information for themselves.
Ah yes, that elusive sweet spot...<.<

When using the 3DS demos in stores, I did notice a lack of clarity when not looking head-on the screen. This effect was accentuated when the 3D was particularly high. But, honestly, you shouldn't be looking at the screen on much of an angle anyways.
Which is why this 3D technology is perfect for a handheld console, because where else are you going to hold it but in front of your face...
In my experience I had no problem with the 3D effect whatsoever. When I play my handheld games I put the console on my lap, and I never ever lose the 3D image. Even if I do lose the 3D effect, I very quickly get it back in a matter of seconds. Even when the console isn't on my lap, I still have a great 3D experience without ever losing the 3D image, and it adds A LOT to the game, and I am glad they are re mastering classics like Ocarina of Time. For me at least, I think it is going to be beautiful running around Hyrule in 3D, and probably see Ganondorf cough in our face when we kick his ass... it just adds a ton to the overall experience and sometimes the gameplay on games like Mario.

But everyone's different... my sister has to give herself 30 seconds before the 3D effect shows properly.
The sweet spot is how anyone would play a DS naturally. So, there aren't any problems. Just don't angle it too much. Then again, you can't play it at an angle with the 3d off anyways.