Switch Fire Emblem Engage

Read Dev Interview Snippet:

Intelligent Systems Director Tsutomu Tei also confirmed a range of how many people can see in the game. He noted “there are about 650 conversations” when it comes to general supports, then “about 1,300 conversations” for Emblem character Bond events. He also reiterated that these are fully voiced.

We couldn’t manage to create one for all character combinations, but there are about 650 conversations between the characters. And we have prepared Bond conversations for all Emblems, which is about 1,300 conversations. There’s quite a lot of content there for those who want to listen to every conversation. (Laughs)

Since this game’s story doesn’t branch out into multiple storylines, I hope players will enjoy choosing the pairs they like and strengthening their favorite characters to their heart’s content.
Waifu Brigade Will deploy in 14 Hours and 37 Minutes!
Manga coming:

Alright I am playing it baby, Maddening Classic first Run hopefully I will be able to complete it with 0 death lol.


And It's Awesome so far! Real Time 3d Graphics, Animations and Cutscenes are significant upgrades from 3 Houses.
Mama Dragon MILF PLOT hug lol

Wonder if Mama Dragon MILF PLOT PLOT-ed the Evil Dragon Sombron in the past and produced MC Alear and thus Villain is Mc's Dad in truth lmao one night stand is enough to conceive lol
that could explain Alear's Read and Blue hair. And The loli dragon is probably Alear's Sister or half sister, if it's half sister then mama dragon been sleeping around lol.
Gave Chloe Caeda Bond Ring since Mc Alear is wearing Marth Ring lol
Game's Launch day in new york:

Read a C level Support conversation snippet from the files that got datamined. Chloe wants to sleep with Alear lol moving to fast there with the ship Chloe! :

Chloe: Your sleeping form is so heavenly that I can't help staring at it.
Alear: I get that. But I still must have been a ridiculous sight, sleeping here of all places.
Chloe: Oh, no! Not at all.
Chloe: But I have a compromise in mind. Hear me out.
Chloe: If I'm always there when you wake up, maybe you'll get used to it and it won't be so startling.
Chloe: All we'd have to do is set up an extra bed for me in your chamber.
Alear: Nope! Not doing that!
Chloe: Oh dear. Shot down...

And recorded the actual scene from my Switch lol
And recorded B-Level PLOT waifu Chloe Support conversation lol her food taste:
Jean Paralogue Battle, Vander did the final Blow:
I am not a fan of the musou fire emblem.
cm2 cm2

How is gameplay?
Combat/gameplay is excellent indeed, my only complaint, no army battle animations ala 3 houses at all only one vs one though they do have soldiers/army from cutscenes lol.

No combat arts in this one, and you can only inherit 2 skills from emblem heroes/heroines and the Sp needed for good skills are really high, SP growth is slow. Everything depends on the Rings Of Power in this one indeed, Sauron be jealous lol

For healing you need healing staff, no spells so far. and healing stuff only has 25 uses cost 500 gold each staff.

Maddening Classic mode is punishing as always lol, everything is limited with the character upgrades, and you cannot grind your characters with skirmish battles at all lol and thus you have to plan really carefully. Am still ok so far with my run though. Let's see...
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