Firefox can convert Web Apps into regular programs/apps in Google Android, Apple iOS, and Windows wi


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Here in the Hacks blog we've written a lot about building apps for Firefox OS using HTML, JS, and CSS. We're working to ensure that those same apps can also run on Android, Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux devices. If your app can adapt to those screen sizes, CPU's, and device capabilities, then we've got a plan to ensure that your apps install, launch, quit, and uninstall as native apps on each of those platforms. I've created a short video that shows how Open Web Apps from Firefox OS will work on any platform where Gecko is available.
Wow, Firefox can now convert web apps on the web to native apps.
I think its great but honestly I'm surprised this hasn't happened sooner. Its something I have been anticipating for a few years now, but its definitely a welcome change. 
It might has happen sooner, but the earlier inventer does not have the publicity, and marketing/promotional power of Firefox which has a lot of followers on social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, e-mail, and RSS.

A lot of inventions get ignored because fewer people trust the inventer, or the inventer is bad at convincing, and marketing his own product like how Microsoft was earlier than Apple and Android at creating a touchscreen tablet pc, and how earlier phone makers like Nokia failed to promotes its Symbian OS for phones.
Sounds great, but isn't there a built in Java player for Computers?
Yes, I think there are Java Players for PC but I think you need to install the Java player from Oracle, and this Firefox web app converter convert the web app into a regular program which you can use offline without the need for any types of players like regular  .exe software  for Windows, .apk programs for Android, and Programs for Mac.
Oracle is the company who owns which is the site which you used to download Java installer file for web browser, Windows, and other operating system.