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Anyone here have any kind of fireworks? Do you get them this time of year?
No. We usually get them by the end of November for Diwali.
What's the occasion for fireworks, Demon skeith?
We don't really do fireworks anymore. We used to do them for things like birthdays when I was younger but not anymore really.
I can understand, they are costly these days.
To be fair, it's not really the cost. The novelty of them has gone away. Plus, it's nice to just sit back and watch someone else do the fireworks since they have to worry about it.
Growing up we always had them at New Year's, but that was the only time we set them off. We'd go over to the fairgrounds to watch the professional displays on Canada day.

I like them... but they are pretty expensive here and I'd much rather spend my money on other things. (Bullets in particular if I want to spend money on something that explodes.) Plus where I live now there's really no room to set them off without hitting trees or other objects (and that's just not safe for anyone).
Growing up we always had them at New Year's, but that was the only time we set them off. We'd go over to the fairgrounds to watch the professional displays on Canada day.

Plus where I live now there's really no room to set them off without hitting trees or other objects (and that's just not safe for anyone).

wouldn't stop my uncle.