[fixed]We were hacked, in a bad way


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This afternoon as I sat down for my computer class, I use a search engine to access GF and as I waited for the link to load it loaded a different link then what it should which loaded a blank page. Thankfully this was only affecting the search engine link but I did ask someone on the shoutbox to double check to make sure it wasn't the school PC.

Thanks to frog, a hacking file was identified and about 6 PM CST the main forum link got over taken and the website soon followed which redirected people to a blank site that may have given anyone visiting it a viruses. Thanks to our hosting and frog, the problem was quickly pinpointed and the site was back up shortly after 7 PM CST.

At this time our search engine link is still affected, but the main link leading to GF works.

The problem came from a attack on our hosting which targeted any out of date software which he had and struck us. If you happen to view the blank page, I highly recommend doing a full scan of your PC to be safe.

I deeply apologize for the downtime and problems and be aware everything is now being updated.

Great to hear it's back up, awful when you get attacked and it could be a problem to people who visit aswell, some people have nothing better to do with their time I guess than hack and cause problems for others, sad really.
Just so you know, Google and other major search engines have been suffering. There are certain spywares/malwares/etc that are out currently that will redirect any link you click on major search engines to something of the hacker's choice. I now have to use Yahoo search because I have not yet found a good fix to the problem. Currently the links on google redirect to blank pages.
Just so you know, Google and other major search engines have been suffering. There are certain spywares/malwares/etc that are out currently that will redirect any link you click on major search engines to something of the hacker's choice. I now have to use Yahoo search because I have not yet found a good fix to the problem.

I never herd of that happening, got a link to a new source?

Currently the links on google redirect to blank pages.

you referring to the GF pages?
That's the problem with using a highly popular script, like WordPress. If you don't keep it updated, these types of things happen. Even then, these types of things happen. That's why Internet Explorer is the most highly virus laden browser there is. It comes pre-installed on basically every PC distributed. Bad guys know this, so they prey on it. WordPress is the same. It's widely used so it's preyed upon.

Glad you updated your installation.
Apparently they got us through IPconverge, which I set up like two years ago and left off to the side to be messed with later which later never came and this happened.

Is it possible that the attackers gained access to our IDs/Passwords?

No, the hacker attacked our hosting infecting any server that had out of date software which hijacked our board link. To put simply, they put a detour sign in the middle of the (domain) road that lead you elsewhere :p
It now goes to vest-online.ru/ais/ditante.php when I click on Google and Yahoo. It seem some other hacker attacked GF, and is redirecting it to a different site from the first one or WordPress, Invision, and other software is still infected.
Hmm yes it is still happening. It could be something to do with where people are getting referred from. For example, if someone who visits this site is referred from yahoo.com's search then they automatically get redirected. While not terrible, this is something you'll want to work out because at the moment it is really eliminating your chances of promotion via search engines.

Demon, you should check all the scripts you have. Get rid of the ones you aren't using and if you think you will use it again then download it somewhere safe or just make it private to the public. Also, you should make sure all of your scripts are up to date. Most well known scripts that aren't updated will have exploitable features on them.