Formatting Question


Well-Known Member
Hello! Will formatting your 3DS erase everything on your 3DS? I mean since I don't format my SD and all my saves are on their. Can I just redownload everything and everything will be still their like my stationary so i on't have to go through the trouble to fnd someone who has stationary anymore? Same thing will saves on a game.
Formatting will erase everything, unfortunately. It will assign you a new 3DS friend code and it will act as a different system altogether. As for shop titles...I think keeping them on your SD card will keep them linked to your shop account, but i'm not entirely sure. When nintendo reformatted my system I kept my ambassador status and my games+saves..I just lost my friends on my list and anything Mii related. (oh and pokedex 3d will no longer be updatable due to the new system code)

Quick note, 3ds games DO NOT save on your SD card unless they were digitally downloaded.
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The eShop account is linked to the account, not localy saved to your 3DS. So it's just a matter of linking the 3DS with your Club Nintendo account again.
Nope... It basically makes your 3ds... A new 3DS...
  • All the apps you ordered are gone... (Including NSMB2 if you ordered it)...
  • Save Data from your apps and settings will reset.
  • Internet Browser bookmarks, game note, notifications, and friend list are gone. (Like Porkman said...)
  • And your wish list... etc on Eshop will be erased...
​If you really want to format it, I recommend you do it now. Because Nintendo Network is coming Nov. 18... Which means if you format, you lose your account..

If you got more questions, ask...
What is Nintendo Network?
I've been wondering the same thing. Will there be any difference?
Nintendo Network is your linked, universal account for all Nintendo related things. 3DS and Wii U will be linked by this account to PCs, clubNintendo, the eSHop, and each other if you own both. You will have an online ID similar to PSN or XBL.