Fortnite Strategy Guide


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Fortnite: BR is the undisputed champion of the battle royale genre. It is so because of its unique gameplay mechanics like building and the casual art style which makes the game look easy to pick up and play. Fortnite is a prime example of the phrase "easy to play, hard to master". Fortnite has a player base in millions so if you want to make a name for yourself or just want to get some Victory Royales, then you have to get that much better than the competition.

And the competition is tough. To get ahead and git gud, you need to read up on some Fortnite strategy guides and practice those stategies in game. As far as practice is concerned, that is all dependent on your commitment to improve yourself. The more you practice, the better you get. For learning the right strategies to practice, you can search online for some Fortnite Strategy Guides and Videos. Here's one to check out: Fortnite Strategy: How To Become The Next Ninja

There are two core mechanics of the game that you need to understand and practice first.
1) Shooting/Aiming
2) Building

Simply running and gunning will only get you so far. You have to be strategic in your approach to gun fights and you have to learn the right way to move and aim. Here's a video you can try to mirror;

Building is a core mechanic of the game and one that sets it apart from the rest. You can build your own cover any where and hide from incoming fire. But there is deep strategy involved in building as well. If you watch videos and streams, you'll see that most of the times the victory royale goes to the better buildernot the more skilled shooter. Here's another video of expert builders at their best;

Now all that's left is practice, practice and more practice...