Found my old PS1 memory card


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I was going through my cabinet the other day and found some old PS1 memory cards, which they were all labeled to hold 1 MB of data.

I couldn't help but laugh a little and be amazed that was all we needed back then and now we're begging for over 1 TB of storage for our games. And in terms of data sizes, it takes 1048576 MB for 1 TB.
wow, surprised you still have it. I thought you would have given it away or something. Keeping it for old memories sake? xD
Wow that's great you have found it! And only 1MB of data? I remember those days! Yea it's crazy to see that we need atleast 1TB for our games and such. Things have really changed over the years.
I have 4 of these and one of them is a special blue one that I treasured and never let my brother use! It also amazes me that we require so much space in comparison to back then which really wasn't that ,any years ago! 
I wonder if it is worth anything. Whilst traveling I've seen PS2 memory cards for sale in the streets, people around the world still gaming on PS2's lol. I'd be curious as hell to load it up and see what is on it.
Lienx said:
I had an old N64 memory card around here somewhere.. hell, I have my n64 around here somewhere too.. lol, as far as PS1 memory cards, I have 2 of those and about 6 ps2 memory cards. All of them are with my two ps2's.
I'm pretty sure N64 didn't have memory cards, it had a expansion pack but no memory card.