FPS Shooter Bragging Rights Topic


"time to play can I remember my login [censor]" -f
Here's a topic to tell when you did well and brag about it in a FPS game.


Just now I was playing TTT on Gmod. I finally got traitor last round. Had a Deagle, Mac 10, and Body Armor. First I headshotted a guy with the deagle, jumped in a tunnel. Then I gunned down a guy following me with a Mac 10 and ran into a basement. There I shot one guy and gunned down the two who saw it. Traitors won. Luckily my team was doing well too.
I got three tomahawks in a row in Black Ops followed by a collateral the other day.


Naw, just kidding. I have my good days and bad days. When you're playing against a bad team in a game like Call of Duty, it's pretty easy to look like a badass. Hence why I'm slowly putting together clips of quick-scoping for Youtube
Multi-kills, anywho. Single kills with quickscoping don't really mean much.
This isn't exactly a bragging right, but I was talking to a friend and he was telling me how he accidentally shot the same guy on his team twice in a row, because said guy kept running in front of him right as he shot. I thought it was pretty hilarious.

Then he said that he said "Sorry" over the microphone and some other guy (not the guy who got shot twice) said "It's okay", which made things all the more awkward.
Yesterday after a round in TTT there is about 30 seconds left until next round so everybody always just has a gunfight. I was left and so was another guy. I was on a lighthouse and he was at the ground so neither of us had enough time to reach each other. I jumped just for the heck of it, landed on his head so therefore he died and I lived.
The only FPS I've ever played is the Doom 2 mod, Mega Man 8 Bit Deathmatch. (Yes, I think it's a legit game-type mod thingy-who.)
I was online playing zombies mode. There was one zombie left, and I was just randomly screwing around with Charge Kick. I walked through an open corridor and saw the zombie approaching me full speed. I turned slightly to his left and used Charge Kick twice so I could get the hell away from him. About 3 seconds later, the message came in that I had fragged him, even though when it came up I was nowhere near him. Which still makes me wonder how I got him.
Here's another one: I was standing on top of a tower looking down at everyone. I had Hyper Bombs equipped. I noticed a zombie waaaaaaay off in the distance. I threw one Hyper Bomb just for the lolz...
It floats over, reaches the zombie, and frags him. Wasn't even trying to aim for him, poor thing.
One time I was playing TF2 (I think it was on 2fort) and a medic jumped out of a window and I got a headshot on him in mid air with the huntsman. It was complete luck though, I was actually trying to shoot a spy that had cloaked himself (who later back stabbed me)

Now this isn't bragging rights for me but one time I was playing garrysmod on some fight/RP server and this guy who obviously wasn't using aimbot because when we were shooting at each other he would miss sometimes. But anyways I was twacking people with a fishing rod for lulz (They had this awesome fishing rod SWEP installed that was a insta kill if the hook hit someone XD) and he shot the hook on the fishing rod. Well the first time he hit the rod, second time he hit the hook. Did I mention that all the sniper rifles on the server acted as if a earthquake happened when you used the scope (They shook a ton, almost unrealistically).
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They must have been Madcow snipers, Floof. A great SWEP base except the scopes.

Correct you are
. Yeah, I understand in real life if you were using a sniper rifle it would shake a LITTLE bit, but the amount of shaking those SWEPS have is just unrealistic. Good thing some of the snipers rapidly fire :/.
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