Friends?? ヽ(´ー`)人(´∇`)人(`Д´)ノ

I added you. I have the Zelda edition, as well. \(^_^ /)
Hope to be able to talk to you soon! (By the way, I'm always checking for new notes, etc., even when I'm not playing anything, or when I'm cleaning my room. Haha. I have a minor addiction...)
Hey guys I'm new here my name is anvil and my friend code is 2062-9556-5113..if you add me pm me soo ill know to add you..thanks guys
Hey I added everyone here.I hope everyone adds me.(FriendCode)0473-8889-0807 My name is Brandon
I added you. I have the Zelda edition, as well. \(^_^ /)
Hope to be able to talk to you soon! (By the way, I'm always checking for new notes, etc., even when I'm not playing anything, or when I'm cleaning my room. Haha. I have a minor addiction...)
Hey guys I'm new here my name is anvil and my friend code is 2062-9556-5113..if you add me pm me soo ill know to add you..thanks guys

Hey Guys!! I am really really REALLY sorry!! I didnt check this post of mine!! if you still want to be friend I'll will add you right away!, truthfully Sorry >-<