Furry 3ds players (no haters i dont need an arguement just freind codes)


Well-Known Member
To you beautiful, smexy, big, macro, feral, were, mixed and all else Furs. I am Fireball the wolf dragon. I have a 3ds and only mutiplayer i have right now is Kid Icarus Uprising so add me and tell me your code mine is (4768-8242-5030) username is mii name. so come on lets see your furry side and let out that roar.
...Please,please,please,keep your furrydom to yourself.

Nobody really wants to...hear what you're saying.
(This has gotta be a troll...)
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You know, a good way to avoid arguments is to act normal.
:| the hell.....that's why you leave stuff in the closet when you go to socialize.
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While I disagree with what you are doing, I will defend your right to do whatever the hell makes you happy.

The thread said no haters and clearly acts as a call to like-minded souls. Juanfire is not trying to be offensive, and if you didn't like it, then you shouldn't have even clicked on the thread to open it.

Grow up and play some video games.
If he's so concerned about haters, why didn't he just post it in a place like this? http://www.furrygamers.com/

There he can use all the furry slang he wants and never get judged for it.

I highly doubt this guy will ever log in again anyway.
so none of you like furries fine but i still need friend codes but i only want furries so any of you furries that i can i add
You "only want furries?"

Look,I don't think ANYBODY here is a furry.You also shouldn't be shoving the fact that you ARE a furry down our throats.

Just go to a furry site and leave us be.
I think we should stop making jokes about it and treat it for what it is, a friend code sharing topic. Someone's personal beliefs have no real impact on how they play video games, right? It's not like Kid Icarus or Mario Kart exactly get affected by anything.

So yeah, let's just let people post friend codes if they want from here on this topic.
Furries aren't people that screw animals. -.-
I'm not really sure there are many furries on this board, but if you really don't have anything to contribute to the topic, then don't post.

Edit: Didn't see Nin's post, but that's basically what I'm saying.
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Please everyone, it's not like you don't have weird fetishes either. >.>

Either way, I don't think that we should keep on insulting this person, he's a furry. So what?
It's not like he's breaking any rules of the forums, or even the law. So everyone shuddup, sit down, and play whatever you play.
I can't believe nobody noticed this was in the wrong section. *moves to Friend Codes*
well its your choice add my 3ds or dont i dont care but i would like supports of furries or people that dont car so if you want me to add you to my 3ds post your friend codes
mine(4768 8242 5030)
Why not, I used to be a little furry with my Sonic fandom when I was 10. I'm not all sugar and peaches insane about it now but hey why not.

I already added you. My friend code is to the left.