Furry 3ds players (no haters i dont need an arguement just freind codes)

P.S. No I don't roleplay. Well- I do, but never with original characters unless it's Pokemon or something.

Edit:I really need to stop accidentally double posting. I meant to edit the above into the other post. Waah.
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my friend code : 4382-2918-9028 i play pkmn black to i've you add me i'll send you my pkmn black friendcode bye
Thank you for not being but holes and giving me your freind codes
You can add me my code is 0302-0024-2791.
I play Kid Icarus uprising an MK7.
How about you all shut up about his personal tastes and either add him or don't?

Next one to do that is getting warned, since it essentially equates to trolling.
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I'm confused at to what a "Furry" is, and I'm quite curious.
Anywhos, I'm adding anyone at this point to fill my Friend Code List, so if anyone would like to add me, just message me. I'm on the site regularly, so... you know. Just uh... click that there 'message' button.
hey there juanfire im also a furry too so here's my code: Kitsunefox[3ds name] 2320-6401-6422. I also draw them aswell... oh and i already added you.
I added Juanfire, kitsunefox, RozenSeven, Meowmaster and Cynos. hope you add me to your lists as well. my FC is on the left :)