Game of Thrones Movie?


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So would you want to see this happen? Though if it does the movie would have to be about 4-8 hours to make it a GoT movie.
Or they could do like they did with the Lord of the Rings movies and split it into three. You could do the first three books in one, the next three in the second and so on.
No... You can't fit all of that into one movie. Or 3-6 parts. Leave it as a series. Sure, there can be a separate movie for something that never happened in the series, but don't try to fit the stuff from the series into a movie so people don't have to watch the series >.
Enigma said:
Or they could do like they did with the Lord of the Rings movies and split it into three. You could do the first three books in one, the next three in the second and so on.
pretty sure the first book was the first season and the first season was 10 hours long.

Marc said:
No... You can't fit all of that into one movie. Or 3-6 parts. Leave it as a series. Sure, there can be a separate movie for something that never happened in the series, but don't try to fit the stuff from the series into a movie so people don't have to watch the series >.<
I've seen many say they should make a movie on Robert's Rebellion.
Demon_Skeith said:
Demon_Skeith, on 23 Mar 2014 - 01:43 AM, said:
I've seen many say they should make a movie on Robert's Rebellion.
No. just no.. Too many details will be left out because movies are normally 1-3 hours long and one episode of the series is an hour long for crying out load >_>

Plus the people who haven't seen the series will have no clue who X, Y and Z are. So yeah
Demon_Skeith said:
Demon_Skeith, on 23 Mar 2014 - 7:05 PM, said:
Considering this is a huge hit of a series, you have no point with the last line. And I don't think there is much to Robert's Rebellion. The killing, the rebelling and victory. Easily done in 2 and half hours.
Wait.. King Robert? I got confused with Robb Stark's war &gt;_&gt; Curse those "R" names (ignore everything that I've said before)

I'd be interested in learning what happened before the series (with Ned's sister etc). So yeah, now I'm all in.