Just need to figure a way to have friend systems. I don't wanna make a dedicated server, it costs too much, and is risky. That's why the user either finds or hosts a game. The individual is the host. You can have four player survival co-op, and possibly a battle mode that ties in.
The weapons you buy and make, as well as armor will be used online in the battle mode, which will contain team deathmatch, ctf, free for all, e.t.c. When you win, you receive money to use in game and for battle mode
Basically, I don't wanna pay for anything
And my way around it sounds reasonable. However, this will take a long time to create.
I'm also going to hold a contest. Three winners.
Every winner receives Beta testing, and a free copy of complete game.
First place will receive a nice in-game prize, second will receive something of smaller, and third place get nothing except for the testing and the game.
Idea's -> Essay, Some sort of cheaply designed online game, where the user scores the most points, creativity? I'm not sure