GameDock with Classic Nintendo USB controller for iPhone, iPad, and iPod Devices


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Have you ever played a great retro game on your iPhone, only to be frustrated with the touch controls? Or have you wanted to play an awesome iPad game with a friend, but two people holding one tablet just doesn't feel right? With the GameDock for iOS you can play classic games the way they were meant to be played: with two controllers and a TV.

The GameDock is pretty cool for iOS devices like iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch. It is amazing that there are over 100 games which work for the Gamedock already, and you can make games which work for Gamedock.

It would be cool if it is also available for Google Android since Android lets you make your own Apps, and share your apps without the need for an App store like Apple iTunes/App Store as long as you have Web hosting to host your file for people to download via the web, or you use third party websites like Getjar, Amazon App Store, Google Play, 1Mobile Market, and tons of other App marketplace. Plus, you are not stuck with only three devices like Apple which only have the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch.
I never understand why people would invest so much money for these "docks" :/ I mean they are really always optional and unnecessary.
I think the inventors of the GameDock reason for making this dock is to get funding from to fund his invention, and to fill a "need for gamers and a great niche to expand for indie developers".

The Gamedock cost $100 if you make a pledge of $100 on http://www.kickstart...d-touch-devices . It is the same price of an Apple TV which is mainly use to stream music, videos, apps, iOS games from your Mac, iPhone, iPad, iOS, and other Apple device or service like iTunes and iCloud.

I'm guessing this dock should be able to stream music, and video like Apple TV because it is connected to a TV.

This dock also can be connected to the TV via HDMI, and is a better deal then an Apple TV since the Gamedock also is a stand for your iPhone or iPad, charges your iPad or iPhone, has Two USB ports, has two controllers gamepads, and bluetooth connectivity.

Plus, the Gamedock case looks better with the Nintendo inspired design then the Apple TV square rounded corner cube.

It is not horribly expensive for someone who needs controllers, a streaming or dock device for their iPhone or iPad, and a stand charger since the Apple TV and similar devices usually cost $100 and offer less features, and are more closed/proprietary then the Gamedock.
A NES controller with a USB end, I never thought I see the day.