Russia's counter move to this, read from kotaku:
The Russian government is looking to legalize at least some software piracy to help its citizens get around the growing list of tech, gaming, and software bans that the country faces due to its ongoing and destructive invasion of Ukraine. It seems Russian leaders and lawmakers are preparing to live under sanctions, a bad sign for those hoping the war will end anytime soon.
Russia’s Ministry of Economic Development has introduced a potential new law called the “Priority Action Plan for Ensuring the Development of the Russian Economy in the Conditions of External Sanctions Pressure.” As reported by TorrentFreak, a passage found in point 6.7.3 seems to have big implications for software piracy. Translated, it reads:
In other words, the idea is that once this law is passed, anyone could download and use pirated software for which there is no Russian-made alternative as long as the software originates from a country that currently supports the sanctions against Russia. TorrentFreak notes that the proposed law covers both civil and federal liability, and that these new changes to Russia’s law would remain in place for as long as the sanctions persist.