Games not for kids?


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Gaming has become an integral part of my daily activities. A day can't go without playing my favorite game. Sometimes, I wonder when I have a family, if I can let my kids play most of these games with me. Are there games kids of certain age can't play?
Any games rated M or AO (Good luck finding any of those though!) are not suitable for kids!
If you have to question if the game is for a kid, then its not a game for a kid to play.


It does depend on the kid, back in the day my family had no issues playing Mortal Kombat, Goldeneye, ect. But another family might have. Depends on how mature the kid is.
I was playing GTA when I was around 5 or 6 I think. Although that just involved me driving cars around rather than actually playing the story. As long as the kid understands it's just made up and not real, I don't think there are that many games that are inappropriate for them
I would avoid kids playing games with nudity, or even games with certain political views like Life is Strange. But in general anything with dumbed-down violence like Super Smash Bros., Fire Emblem, or something in-between Mature and for Everyone ESRB ratings, it would depend on the user.
There's a ton of games I wouldn't let my kids play when they're younger, pretty much any horror game or any game with gore in it.

Once they get older and into their teens, I'd let them play certain games
Games that are too violent shouldn't be allowed for kids to play in my own opinion. Games with scenes of nudity and cursing like GTA isn't good for kids.
Games that are too violent shouldn't be allowed for kids to play in my own opinion. Games with scenes of nudity and cursing like GTA isn't good for kids.
I won't allow my kids play any part in GTA game series.
Games that are too violent shouldn't be allowed for kids to play in my own opinion. Games with scenes of nudity and cursing like GTA isn't good for kids.
I won't allow my kids play any part in GTA game series.
I would avoid kids playing games with nudity, or even games with certain political views like Life is Strange. But in general anything with dumbed-down violence like Super Smash Bros., Fire Emblem, or something in-between Mature and for Everyone ESRB ratings, it would depend on the user.

What's political in Life is strange 1?
Games that are too violent shouldn't be allowed for kids to play in my own opinion. Games with scenes of nudity and cursing like GTA isn't good for kids.
It's sad that kids now get across nudity contents from more than just video games. It's even in their cartoons now.
Games which are rated Mature or Adult Only are games which kids should not play because they contain more violence and sexual themes which are not suitable for younger kids.