Games that you want to be reviewed by others?

I can review either one of these, i'll try to get one in by sunday.

-Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
-Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
-Sonic Generations 3DS
I could review the PC version of Scribblenauts Unlimited when it comes out, but I won't be able to compare it with the Wii U or 3DS versions.
Majora's Mask Review is in the works. Expect it soon.

EDIT: Review is up, enjoy.
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Should I make up a topic for announcing upcoming reviews? Either way, I'll be reviewing Mighty Switch Force soon, so yeah, expect that.
I'll be able to review Prof.Layton and the Miracle Mask and Bit.Trip Saga once I finish one of them, and I finally reviewed Kingdom Hearts 3D.

Also, can anyone review Sonic Generations 3D?
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Starfox 3d

odd choice.... Only since it's just a refreshed port of the N64 game. But alright. I'll see what I can do.
luigi's mansion dark moon?
How about no until there's an american/european release.