Games you think are overrated/underrated?

Floof5467, on 27 Feb 2013 - 23:54, said:
TheTEChguy27, on 24 Feb 2013 - 20:51, said:Underrated:The Legend of Zelda: The Minish CapPsychonautsSpec Ops: The Line
Overrated:Call of Duty: Black Ops (and its sequel)Kingdom Hearts (please don't kill me, I've just never found it all that interesting)
It seems like every person in the world says Psychonauts is underrated. Not sure how underrated it can be with so many people backing it and such great reviews.
The amount of people saying Call of Duty: Black Ops and what not is overrated is also kind of silly. I rarely hear people say those games are good and it gets mediocre ratings.
I enjoyed/still enjoy minecraft a fuck ton, but it is overrated to shit. The amount of fun I've had with it could easily put it at a 10 for me, but then I realize that a good majority of the fun I've had with it was due to experiences created by other people or mods, not by the game itself.
Kinda feel the assassins creed series get's overrated, but I don't really like to say things are overrated as often I just don't like the games. They aren't bad they just can't hold my interest.
Underrated though Monster Hunter Tri and the Sonic Adventure series. Monster Hunter Tri would be the only game id actually come back to my wii to cock around with probably, and I bought Sonic Adventure 2 on steam even though the controls were shit just because I loved dat Chao Garden.

Smashboy, on 26 Feb 2013 - 18:17, said:Overrated:
FPS genre
SSB:Melee(out of the 3 SSB's)
Mortal Kombat
The not so scary Slender man pc game
Anything that fag pewdiepie plays
League of Ledgends(YAWN)
Final Fantasy games(excluding Kingdom Hearts)

PowerQuest(More of a hidden gem,really)
Billy Hatcher and the Giant egg
Princess Salad in Mushroom KingdomI agree with those two x 100. Well sort of the second one, you have to realize he occasionally does play a good game like Shadow of the Colossus or Bully. Sadly his fans just ruin the shit out of it afterwards. Either way he's a massive faggot.
I love League of Legends though. It just requires a certain type of person to enjoy it I guess, honestly I don't even hear that much praise for it. I hear people TALK about it a lot but never a whole lot of "Best game ever must play" sort of deal. I think people here are getting confused between popular and overrated. The song Friday was popular but everybody hated it. A more extreme example but point is a game can just be sort of fun and still be heavily talked about, just not praised.

I agree with you completely! I guess when it comes to LoL its over rated in my area becuase I hear a bunch of people praise it around me,personaly. I've had dozens of mainstream kind of friends try to drag me into it -.-U. I dont think its a bad game,becuase it does what its trying to quite well,its just very boring to me (hence the YAWN and the overrated status I gave it),and your right,it really does take a certain gamer to play it.

As for Pewdie Pie I didn't realise he actually played quality games like the ones you've listed,I guess the overly sensitive fanbased really did ruin it for me! XD lol
Underrated: Minecraft, It's a sandbox game for pete's sake! and a highly modable one at that! You can add tons of content like portal, ziplines, trains, and even poop!(LITERALLY, there is a poop mod...), Team Fotress 2, It's a comical style FPS game with the teams being so perfectly even.
Underrated: Minecraft, It's a sandbox game for pete's sake! and a highly modable one at that! You can add tons of content like portal, ziplines, trains, and even poop!(LITERALLY, there is a poop mod...), Team Fotress 2, It's a comical style FPS game with the teams being so perfectly even.

I'm pretty sure Minecraft is overrated. Pretty much everyone plays it. Though really, I find it to be boring.
Well like Nin3DS said, games can be both overrated and underrated at the same time it is overrated in the sense of the server quality, you usually find 3 types of people(in ranking order): 1. people who will kill you steal your stuff and hack and things like that 2. Young kids around 5 years old who don't know what they are doing 3. VERY RARE people who are nice (like me, unless you are like 1.) If you think it's boring try playing an adventure map!