GameStop Wants to Sell... Pre-Owned Software Keys?


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While customers can already waltz into GameStop and purchase a used copy of Halo 3 or Black Ops, PC gamers are left out of the secondhand market -- they're lucky to even have a few shelves for actual new titles. But the nation's largest games retailer, which makes the bulk of its revenue from the secondhand market despite the disapproval of publishers and developers, is looking to change all that by selling used digital games, or rather, pre-owned license keys.


This is a good idea for people don't like joining services and making accounts since it means you are not stuck with a certain marketplace like Steam/Valve, Onlive, GameFly, and other third-party marketplace account, and all you need is the software installer file which you can store to a external hard drives, or DVD, and use the Used key to install the game rather then needing a seperate user account to log in to a marketplace to buy games via Paypal, and Credit Cards then download it which can be timely.

I'm guessing Gamespot will also give users a USB flash drive, or Disc with the installer file as well when they buy used serial keys at a store since not everyone who shops at GS has internet at home.
Selling used digital license codes won't even change anything for PC gamers considering most uses Steam.