Gaming Goals for 2018


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What kind of gaming goals do you have for 2018?
For me, I would like to play games (and finish then) instead of just picking them up for cheap on GoG.
Since Nintendo had the best year ever last year, that likely means this year is going to be slow, which I'm perfectly fine with. There's no need to have a new Mario and Zelda every year. So this gives me a chance to finish games that I want to beat.

Skyrim (which may not happen this year, it's big.)
Pokemon Ultra Sun (which I'm right near the end, I'm not having any fun with because it's just Pokemon Sun with a few minor changes. They promised a new adventure so I expected a Black and White 2 not an Emerald/Platinum.)
Xenoblade Chronicles
Final Fantasy VII (I've remained blind to this game since its release and I really want to beat it, but I just have a hard time playing games on my PC. It doesn't feel right.)
Megaman 9 and 10 (to prep for Megaman 11)
Paper Mario Color Splash (Maybe) (I got it on release day and I don't even think I've beaten world 1.)
Citizens of Earth (I've had this game for years now and haven't even touched it, even though I was super excited for it.)

DarkYoungLink's Backloggery

I mean, the list I'm working on now is pretty big, but two of them are DLC. I'm going to try to keep my backloggery updated if possible. I've been bad about that for a long time.
Buy a very small amount of games - only if they are on a heavy sale. Did that for the most part last year but I can be better. Then just try and make a decent chunk out of my backlog. Completed my most amount of games last year (29) and would like to hit 30 this year.
Ever since I came back from a 6 month job overseas, I finished a couple games. I do plan on finishing some more games before the end of the year. about a week left of it... haha
I didn't have any gaming goals for this year. When it comes to gaming, I just play games that come out that I find interesting and do my best to enjoy them.
Nothing much for me, to be honest.
I do intend to complete hopeless 1 game a little. I have been playing for far too long to continue it in 2019.