Gamingforce Update 12/1/13

Joshua said:
I honestly have to agree with Aidsorhiv here. I don't think a forum like that's a good thing for the forum. The whole thing of sex is, for many people, very awkward to talk about. Even the difference between someone who's 20 and 40, the person who's 40 is gonna usually find talking about sex pretty awkward. Plus. you're overlooking the fact that any kid could lie about their age and get access, or did you forget about Hachi's shenanigans that he had on the forum 4+ years ago? I just think that you're either going to alienate a big part of the forum, both with the younger audience, that's now allowed access into the forum, and the older audience that's not comfortable talking about it. Not only that, but you're ignoring the fact of the huge scandal that could happen with one of the younger persons lying about their age to gain access to the forum.
It really wouldn't be a place to talk about who the last person you were in bed with or how it's done. I've seen plenty of forums with adult chat with little trouble. But again, the idea is done for right now.

Nuke said:
AIDSorHIV needs to shut up about FP. It often appears to be the only topic of discussion with him.

However, I don't see why FP is so rant-worthy. Sure, there's a lot of dumbasses, and the member circle is honestly pretty annoying at this point, but it's not that bad.

Now, can we lock this topic? It's probably going to just get worse from here.
yes, I do wonder why it's going to get worse from here [/sarcasm]

The topic will not be locked, and there is no reason to be that harsh with your post. If anyone has a problem with Nuke take it to PM, not here. you all been warn.
Instead of advertising you may want to put some pressure on SEO. I don't have a clue on how the seo is for this site but you can check your keywords.
-I assume after 5+yrs of operating this place you should be registered at these two sites. If not you better get started. Check your keywords at (Search Traffic > Search Queries).
While that is there open a tab and check out (Acquisition>Keywords>Organic).
You need to compare the top 10keywords you are getting traffic for. Webmaster tools will show you the position your site is in in google search.
If you want to see better stats then you'll have to switch the date so it's like nov 1st - today(a month is good).
You are looking for spots to increase. Any keyword that you are in 60th position is pointless to try to get better and anything you are in 1st position there isn't a point either.
Look for a keyword that is getting you traffic(say 30+ visitors) that you are ranked at 4th to 10th.
Now the whole objective is to get search engines to realize that your site should be ranked higher for these keywords.
ONSITE SEO - Prepare your site
Once you have figured out which couple of keywords you want to rank better in it's time to go in your site for some onsite greyhat SEO. Finding a few spots to insert the text of that keyword.
Let me see........Google bots do not read images but they read image titles. Are your images doing anything for you.
I just looked at the main banner. The code is
Now my question is, WHERE do I go to advertise to draw in members? Sure I can google places but that's what everyone else does and most of the forums that come up block advertising.  I also still feel I need something on the forum to hook people on the forum, which has been difficult to do.


 So basically you are trying to rank for........."LOGO". Problem with that is the following.
A) The word logo is probably so huge that a billion sites are ranked for it. Competing for that is a waste of time.
Your site not related to "Logo" more than everyone elses' site in the world.
 Change the alt tile to one of the keyword that you are somewhatly getting traffic at but would like to rank higher in!
Google already rates your site pretty good with that keyword now the next time the bot comes in it will relate your site with that keyword more.
I'm not a fan of teaching onsite seo because people tend to overdo it so I'm going to tell you not to spam your keywords all over the forum alt tags because google may penalize your site for what's called keyword farming. If google catches 7 extra of the same keyword they will be annoyed.
You can change the alt title on imgs and links. Even a minor swap of keywords in the alts will help.

Ludos Gaming Network

Are you ranking and getting any traffic for the keyword "Gaming network?" or "the gaming network"? or The gaming forum"? etc.
Pretending that you are from "the gaming forum" then switch that Alt to "Ludos Gaming Forum Network".
It won't make a huge difference but it'll may help in the long run.
Offsite SEO
Now that this is handled it's time for a little offsite seo. You got a list of keywords that you've chosen. The keywords are already considered to be related to your site from google because they are somewhat ranking you not too bad.
The objective now is to build backlinks. A backlink is a link from another site going to yours. Before that let's check your total backlinks for the heck of it: claims you have a total of 266 backlinks. 99% of the links in other sites are using the anchor(alt title) GamingForce.
YIKES. Your site is going to be ranked in the top 31 for the keyword "gaming force" but is that really that good? do people search that?
On top of that none of the backlinks are gaming related. Try to build more backlinks for the keywords you are trying to rank for.
In all of the forums you have a signature link for make it so the name of the site is the keyword you want:
GF needs a G/F so bad that he wants an 18+ forum!

Don't call the link gamingforce. Only do that if you have a reputation thing where your site needs to be known as that. Certain sites will payout more keywords. Some forums will throw more than 300 backlinks for just having one signature link if you've been a member there for long. Other junky sites like forumpromotion will give NOTHING.

Where else to get backlinks:
Go to google and type in "INSERT YOUR KEYWORD" blog. You'll end up with an endless list of blogs related to your keyword. Go in the blog, read quickly through an article and make a comment. Many blogs allow you to attach your name and a link to your comment. Do not spam the comment. write something quick but not nasty or spammy and they won't erase it. In time you'll get used to knowing which types of blogs allow comments with links and which don't.
What I did was open 10 windows of blogs and since I know wordpress allows comments and blogger script doesn't I'll just close all of the bloggers without needing to look.
If the blog requires registration I just close it straight away.
Depending on how busy my week is I'll go through straight to page 20 for that search commenting where I can in these blogs then I'll search for blogs related to another keyword I'm trying to rank for.

If you are tired of blogs then you can try "Insert your keyword" Forum.
-Register, add your link in the signature, say hello and post in 3 topics then walk away.
Some forums require 5 posts before adding a link to a signature.

If you are tired of forums then try "insert your keyword" Guestbook.

Anyway, in a week or so google bot will have gone through all of these sites. Some backlinks will be recorded and some won't. Within two weeks or so you should notice that your keyword ranking was juggling from 7th to 11th to 5th to 7th or something like that. THUS more traffic.

It seems like a lot of effort?
Yeah it is but once you have the rank and are getting the traffic you can sit back and relax a bit. Also if you advertise at another forum you may get 20-100 visitors then it's over. With google search you continue to get traffic forever.

Oh.....there are hundreds of ways to do SEO to rank better. This is the just the beginning. If you get into it and see good things happening do more research on the topic or ask me.
I've been doing this a long time and my monthly traffic stats on my best website is no joke
Allow me to brag! :)
AIDSorHIV needs to shut up about FP. It often appears to be the only topic of discussion with him.

However, I don't see why FP is so rant-worthy. Sure, there's a lot of dumbasses, and the member circle is honestly pretty annoying at this point, but it's not that bad.

Now, can we lock this topic? It's probably going to just get worse from here.
From an SEO standpoint FP doesn't fit in the current SEO discussion considering FP is a forum. You should look that up. ^_^
bragging rights granted for the help you've given.

It's not an issue of me putting in the effort, I got an hour to kill about every night so I have time for this which I think I know how to.

my site isn't on the webmaster tools, so I'll get that on.

for analytics, well I'm kind of embarrassed to say that the top one is: isn't provided, next is: the GF staff looking topic and the rest is: hot anime girl.


so I need to get a better keyword going for GF, I want to say to use Gaming but that might be too common. Should I try General Gaming?

Then I would put that keyword in Gamingforce related images? And if I were to post a playstation image I would give that an alt text of playstation for the keyword?
I don't mind the +18 section, but the problem will be with underage people who can be easily attracted to this stuffs, just make sure that every member is old and mature enough to get in.
Jump that in and wait a week to see the results.
my site isn't on the webmaster tools, so I'll get that on.
I figured it was going to be like that. Because you've never actually motivated google for special keywords(done seo) normally you would be getting nothing from the search engine but the site is super old so the engine does list it here and there. It's choosing random popular trends on the site. Problem is the trend ends. You gotta find a keyword that is something that is always popular around here.
Oh hell, take a screenshot of the whole list for me and I'll advise you on which on to go for. I'll check the results in google with one of my tools. (Make sure it's in the Acquisition>Keywords>Organic)

for analytics, well I'm kind of embarrassed to say that the top one is: isn't provided, next is: the GF staff looking topic and the rest is: hot anime girl.
Ok, now that you soaked in what I told you on the above I can explain more. Here's how searchers work in google. Let's take "gaming" for example. Whoever is ranked 1st to 3rd will get like 80% of the visitors. For some reason people only seem to go in the top 3. Now as you go down the rank the number greatly decreases. 4th will be 30% of that traffic, 5th 20%, and once you get down near the bottom the traffic dumps of to around 2%.
So it's really not worth it to attempt to compete for keywords that you'll get stuck on say 28th place.
It's fairly easy to determine if you can make it or will struggle for a year.
Go to google and look at the keyword "gamer".
1st: reddit (haha, goodluck competing against them. There is no chance)
2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th,:, forbes, ign, financial express........................Ok give up now.
The whole front page is the power in international guys. Probably straight through until page 4 probably. The keyword is FAR too competitive.
There are tools to help you It gives a rough estimate of the power of the keyword. The bigger the number the more competition there is. For me, You should go for the 500 mark for a keyword.
Don't forget that if you rank high on a keyword that pulls in 500visitors per month then you'll also be opening up to rank high on keywords related without actually trying for them.
"Shark attack" ranked guys probably get a few hundred hits for each related keyword "people attacked by sharks, sharks that attack" etc, etc.
"General gaming" seems way too broad as well. Throw me a screen shot of that page in G can actually chose "export PDF" while on that page to save it, then send it to me.
I'll check it out and recommend some.
so I need to get a better keyword going for GF, I want to say to use Gaming but that might be too common. Should I try General Gaming?
Titles, images, alt title in images & urls, as well as the META tag. This is ONLY for the main page of the forum and the website index page. Don't bother with any links further in the forum so adding a title to images in posts is fairly pointless.
The meta tag is important. I'm looking and you have one in the website.
Then I would put that keyword in Gamingforce related images? And if I were to post a playstation image I would give that an alt text of playstation for the keyword?

Once we choose keywords tou should switch it to:

Regardless we gotta pick keywords before any of this. I'll help you will all of this once we figure out the keywords. Send me that PDF.
Very nice update. It seems we are however having a fight about fp and advertising? I'll be honest here and think the approach here is ridiculous. There was way tl;dr here but what I can tell about the approach is almost based on just stats and getting more members. The key is quality members. With no intemt to advertise I'll go back and say at MF we pretty much get along with just few quality members. Back in the golden days here, well, last summer we had a lot of sucess by active members like Mori, GA, Hissae, and DS. I think spreading out to other gaming forums is the way. Getting members is absolutely useless unless they're interested in gaming. It takes more work and time but spending time on other gaming forums to advertise is definitely worthwhile. At least I think.
Very nice update. It seems we are however having a fight about fp and advertising? I'll be honest here and think the approach here is ridiculous. There was way tl;dr here but what I can tell about the approach is almost based on just stats and getting more members.
It's not really an approach. It's kind of what every site does that wants traffic. It's called SEO. The only sites that do not are sites based on referral traffic but it's really hard to survive from referral unless you are ahead of all of the competition or you are like pinterest with apps on peoples' phones before the phone is sold.