
I guess you could say both are under the term yard work.
Yes I am, I have grown some vegetable plants like ladies fingers, spinach, tomatoes and cucumber. I usually pour water 2 times a day and add fertilizers one a month. Because of that I could able to get a good harvest.
I do gardening for a good 1 month the year. I don't do flowers though because you are always replacing most of them every year(and they die like crazy when I do them). I usually do a lot of rock gardens, Malaysian driftwood gardens, and if I use plants I'm always getting stuff like ferns.

I also have a small 20' by10' garden for tomato, peas, and others types of stuff like that. Out here the summers are not exactly long so we gotta spend them outside as much as we can.
I do gardening as my hobby, I have grown some vegetable plants such as carrot, spinach and cucumber. I put fertilizer and remove weeds one a month.