Gay gamer's name banned from Xbox Live


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A gay gamer with the gamertag "theGAYERgamer" has had his name banned from Xbox Live for being "offensive." As we all know, Xbox Live is a hotbed of homophobia, but it seems that if enough bigots raise the alarm, they will be appeased. here is what he said:

I have had a bad morning. Last night when i tried to sign into my xbox live account "thegayergamer" I was told that it had to be changed. I figured that it was just from people reporting it as an offensive name being that the greater Xbox live community isn't exactly welcome to gay people, i spend a lot of time muting people on Halo3. I assumed that once i called Microsoft they would straighten things out.

I talked to a supervisor there, Roxy, who told me that she didn't personally find the fact that my gamer tag had gay in the name offensive, but that the greater Xbox community did, so i would have to change it. I hope I'm not the only person who finds this don't ask, don't tell policy disgusting... eek.

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Wow. I can't believe people find that name offensive. I mean, it's just a name. I'm sure all those people that reported the name as offensive say much worse things over XBL.
That name shouldn't have been banned. There is a lot worse names than that as typewriter said.

Last week, Microsoft banned a user from Xbox Live for having the gamertag theGAYERgamer. Things did not end well. Now, tonight, we get an email from another Xbox Live user whose gamertag has been barred because it violates XBL policies (remember, you can't have a sexual term in your name, regardless of sexual orientation). The incriminating gamertag? RichardGaywood. The problem here? It's the gamertag of Richard Gaywood, a now-slightly-disgruntled 360 owner from the UK (and yes, we've confirmed this is his real name). Oops.



heh mircosoft is screwed over this one.
another update:

Late last night, we learned the story of Richard Gaywood, the not-so-happy Xbox Live user whose gamertag was banned. Since "RichardGaywood" was both the user's gamertag as well as his legal, honest-to-goodness given name, Kotaku contacted Microsoft to learn the reason behind the ban.

"We want the Xbox LIVE community to have the freedom to express themselves, but we also have a responsibility to create an inclusive, safe environment," said Microsoft's Stephen Toulouse. "While it may be clear to some that Gaywood is a legitimate surname, it may not be obvious to other Xbox LIVE members. In this case, a complaint was filed by a member of the community, requiring the Xbox LIVE team to examine the gamertag within the context of the Xbox LIVE Terms of Use. Based on the these guidelines, it was necessary for the gamertag to change."

Recall Toulose also referred to the XBL Terms of Use in explaining why user "TheGAYERGamer" received a ban, stating, "Gamertags are visible to everyone and it would be hard for me to defend to a parent of a young child who saw it that the name did not contain content of a sexual nature."

Finally, Microsoft confirmed to us that Mr. Gaywood's gamertag, like any other found to be in violation of the Terms of Use, will not be reinstated. Hope no other XBL users have legal names that might have the ill fortune to appear "sexual."


well I got to admit MS has guts.
this is all wrong mate, at the end of the day its a name, it would be a different story if they had something like fatf(&%$$£$ or something else that could be deemed offensive but the word gay has so many different meanings and not all of them sexual in nature
If they are really going to stick to banning his name, then they should fine every word that could be considered offensive in every country and culture and ban them as well.

Gay doesn't always have to be sexual, and not all countries consider "homosexual" to be the meaning of the work.
I dont see anything wrong with the name, but I'm sure it stir out some dumb arguments on XBL if the name was allowed since some people don't like gays.
I just lost some respect for microsoft. Gaywood is a real name, and in this country people are free to be gay, bi, or straight. I really don't care what anyone's orientation, race, gender, religion, etc, is as long as they aren't hurting people. Why should they?

QUOTE "Gamertags are visible to everyone and it would be hard for me to defend to a parent of a young child who saw it that the name did not contain content of a sexual nature."

What about the excessive cursing? You are 10000x more likely to hear cursing than you are to see a name with gay or anything else like that in it.
*Grabs bridge of nose in frustration*

*Breaks nose*

Oh for the love of GOD!!!!

What is wrong with people these days?

Pardon the cliche, but I say sue them.