GB GBA SP Had A Game Changer?


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The game changer does look very cool.

I feel using the game changer could help with making the Game cartridge port on the Gameboy SP last longer because users won't need to switch out games as much.
I mean, if you want to carry a hunk of plastic with three games and have trouble choosing one and want trouble playing the game with small hands then this is for you. Otherwise, just have a carrying case handy.
I mean, if you want to carry a hunk of plastic with three games and have trouble choosing one and want trouble playing the game with small hands then this is for you. Otherwise, just have a carrying case handy.

Only place I can think of is in an airplane or other vehicle where the case isn't handy.
I've never seen this before so I do think it's very cool though its way too bulky to fit your pocket.
Well, I guess you could say that the Game Boy Advance SP was the "OG transformer" of the gaming world. Its clamshell design made it feel like a mini-Optimus Prime that you could carry around in your pocket. Plus, who wouldn't want to feel like they're saving the universe while they're playing Mario Kart?
I've never even knew this existed! I probably would have never used it though, it would just be too bulky. Plus most of the time I mainly played Pokemon Ruby on my GBA anyways, and I rarely played any other game I had as a kid. I'm sure DK oldies is selling it for way too much though.