GC '07: Dark Sector


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LEIPZIG, Germany--Not much has been seen of Dark Sector, but developer Digital Extremes and publisher D3 chose the Leipzig Games Convention to give the game a playable unveiling. This third-person action game sees you taking the role of an infected black-ops agent endowed with superhuman abilities. Now being chased by the agency he was once a part of, Hayden Tenno harnesses his infected body to become even more powerful, while outrunning his previous employer across Eastern Europe.

After sitting down to play the game at the D3 booth in Leipzig, it's clear to see that the game takes its inspiration from Gears of War. The run-and-cover mechanic of Epic Games' acclaimed shooter makes an appearance here, and the melee kills are rather reminiscent of the Epic title as well. Instead of the futuristic setting, though, Dark Sector takes place in a contemporary Eastern European setting, and you do battle with biosuited government agents.

Dark Sector incorporates a unique weapon called the glaive: a sharp, boomerang-like device that's controlled by Tenno's newly-mutated arm. It can slice limbs off both on its outward and return journeys, and you can also sling the glaive at a number of environmental elements such as fire, ice, and electricity to collect their effects. This means that you can use the weapon to electrocute enemies, set them on fire, freeze them, or even just light the way through a darkened corridor. There's plenty of potential for this weapon in the finished game, and while the demo only showed the electricity effects, the developer promises that the weapon will have uses for both attacking and puzzle-solving.

In addition to the glaive, Dark Sector puts a whole host of traditional handheld weapons, gun emplacements, and melee-kill options at your disposal. The demo we played offered an arsenal of handguns, shotguns, and grenades to play around with, all of which provided different ways to dispatch the enemy. The handgun is fairly weak but it is precise, allowing you to take off an enemy's gas mask from afar. Manage to perform this delicate shot and your enemies will run around trying to hold their breath, at which point you dish out destruction much more easily with a shotgun or your glaive. Go up close to an enemy, press the B button, and you can perform deadly neck-breaks instead.

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