GC '07: Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning Updated Impressions


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The first thing we were given during our private session was a more in-depth look at the witch elf career, which is Warhammer Online's answer to the rogues of World of Warcraft. Witch elves can't make themselves invisible like their WOW counterparts, but they're incredibly agile, and appear to be every bit as deadly.

Witch elves--who are all female, incidentally--like to surprise unsuspecting enemies from behind with powerful opening attacks, and then string together rapid combos as they work themselves into a frenzy and build up to a big finishing move. Their skimpy outfits hardly qualify as armor, though, and so a witch elf's best bet when taking a lot of damage will often be to retreat, and quickly at that. One of the ways that you'll be able to do this is using the "agile escape" move, which sees the witch elf kicking back off the enemy, performing a backflip in the air, and then landing a good distance away.

Like WOW's rogues, witch elves will be able to coat their daggers or swords with various poisons. They won't have to concern themselves with carrying around a load of ingredients to make the poisons with, though, because poisons are ability- rather than inventory-based. Furthermore, witch elves will have the ability to buff themselves with powerful elixirs, but we've learned today that elixirs will invariably have negative as well as positive effects when consumed. An elixir that dramatically improves your speed for a short time, for example, might also increase the amount of damage you take if you get hit.

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