GEM Box, the first Google Android TV box for true gamers and the whole family! (Long version)


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Download your favorite Android games on Google Play or stream console quality games from GameFly Streaming in Full HD.

This looks like a good Android console. I like the PC game streaming feature, and the controller and console looks nice as well.
sounds neat, but when it comes to family games I rather get an SNES/N64.
sounds neat, but when it comes to family games I rather get an SNES/N64.

I agree, a SNES and N64 would be better. I bet, this console could be good for running SNES, N64, Gameboy, and console emulators.

I think a mini PC would be good for family games as well because Steam, GOG, and other online stores has a lot of family games, PCs are also compatible with free Flash and Java games on websites like Facebook, and Miniclips.
emulators are good, but nothing like having the actual system.

Some of those actual systems like the SNES, N64, and PS1 can be difficult to find unless some lesser known company makes a knock-off version of the console which may be lower quality than these Google Android consoles made by GEM, Nvidia, Amazon and Razer, or the Apple TV console which runs iOS/TVos which is based on iOS.