Writing Getting published?

Does online count? Or by a publishing company?
Oh okay. I am an actual published author. I got published and have a book for sale on Amazon. Actually, I have two books for sale on Amazon. The first book can be read right now.......the second book is available for pre-order at the moment.
Are you a published author or a self-published author?
I use KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing) so most people would say I'm self published. I didn't go through a traditional publishing company for my work.
So isn't saying "I am an actual published author," a bit of a stretch? Anyone can put something out via KDP. If I upload a document to KDP, does that make me a published author too? Seems like there's a difference between self-publishing and being traditionally published. I'm not knocking your work, but there's a distinction, right?

It's like saying, "I released a track on SoundCloud, so I'm a professional musician." Sure, you've put your work out there, but that doesn’t automatically put you on the same level as someone signed to a label or making a living from their music. There’s a difference between sharing your work and being recognized in a more traditional, professional way.
So isn't saying "I am an actual published author," a bit of a stretch? Anyone can put something out via KDP. If I upload a document to KDP, does that make me a published author too? Seems like there's a difference between self-publishing and being traditionally published. I'm not knocking your work, but there's a distinction, right?

It's like saying, "I released a track on SoundCloud, so I'm a professional musician." Sure, you've put your work out there, but that doesn’t automatically put you on the same level as someone signed to a label or making a living from their music. There’s a difference between sharing your work and being recognized in a more traditional, professional way.

Whether you choose to go the self-published route or through the traditional publishing company, I don't think that make you less of an author for doing so. Christopher Paolini, when he was trying to get his first book "Eragon" out there......he ended up self publishing (with the help of his family). But a publishing company ended up stepping in by the time he wrote the second book "Eldest"......they bought the rights to publish Eragon and subsequently the rest of the Inheritance Cycle.

I'm not trying to start an argument or anything, I'm just saying that I politely disagree. Just because someone is self-published (or maybe just starts out that way) doesn't make them any less of an author. I think getting published the traditional way is much harder than some people realize.

When J. K. Rowling was trying to get the first book published in her Harry Potter series, she went through quite a few publishing companies before she found someone that would publish the Sorcerer's Stone. Don't you know that the other people that turned her down are probably still kicking themselves to this day......?
Yeah, I am sure they are. Haha. I'm not starting an argument either just pointing out there is a difference between publishing something yourself - be that music or a book - and having someone believe in your work enough to invest in your talent.

To say that it is the same thing (doesn't make them less of an author) is inaccurate to the point of self-delusion. It does make them less of an author, the same way that a self-published musician is less of a musician than, as an example, Taylor Swift.

I am sure you see the difference between published authors Christopher Paolini, J. K. Rowling, and you.
Yeah, I am sure they are. Haha. I'm not starting an argument either just pointing out there is a difference between publishing something yourself - be that music or a book - and having someone believe in your work enough to invest in your talent.

To say that it is the same thing (doesn't make them less of an author) is inaccurate to the point of self-delusion. It does make them less of an author, the same way that a self-published musician is less of a musician than, as an example, Taylor Swift.

I am sure you see the difference between published authors Christopher Paolini, J. K. Rowling, and you.

I don't see myself in the same league as someone like Christopher Paolini or J. K. Rowling. Those individuals have made themselves popular because they've created their own respective literary worlds. They also get to spend 100% of their time working on their craft now because they're popular enough.

I went into this with the idea that if I make it and get really popular, then great. But if I don't get famous or popular, then I can say that I tried and be okay with it. I didn't want to live with "What if.....?" for the rest of my life.