GF Monthly Update 2/4/15


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It's a new month! Snow is pounding us hard :squint: And new updates on the GF boards...... eh not really.


As always, I'll start off by announcing the member of the month! I congratulate Rocky! For giving us a shout out to twitter and helping set up a teamspeak for us :)

The Future

Seems new life has been breathed into the GF polls, don't forget to leave your opinion for it will shape this community's future!

Future Theme Colors

GF Future Poll 1

Well, thats all sadly. I got school so I need to get to sleep plus not feeling the best right now. But I will leave you with one little piece of news with GF's future, we will be renaming in the far future but fear not! the GF link will be around for a few years. The renaming will finally allow us to add .com and .net which will make SEO and appeal better.

Look forward to a bright future.

So thanks everyone for another great month and keep up the activity everyone.

We currently have 144,456 Posts and 1,483 members. In the last month we gain 1,738 posts and 31 members.
The future will be a slow one, nothing may happen till the fall. By the time IPB 4 comes out, we test things and see what direction IPB 4 will go, get things ready and everything,  may not be till early winter till things happen.
Congrats Rocky :grin:
Also, we made considerable congress :grin:
Good job everyone!
Congrats to the MOTM, and good luck with the forum. I would suggest a light theme if there isn't one already. 