GF updates 1.1.2011


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It's a new month, a new year! And new things at the Gamingforce forums.

To start this off, I like to wish everyone a happy and safe 2011 new year.

Next is host related stuff, first off on Thursday we had a bit of slow/down time on the forum due to a DoS (Denial-of-service) attack which was quickly took care of once I notified the host. Now on the 15th of January, the host will be transferring to more powerful server specifications so expect GF and related hosted stuff to be down around that date. I'll post more on this near the 15th of January.

I am horned to announce that me and this forum has been interviewed by the good people of this website. please check it out.

As I'm sure you have noticed, but there is a new navi bar feature at the top of the forum. from the forum links and over (towards the right) just place your cursor over the menu name and a drop down menu will drop giving you links to other places on the forum and external GF places.

I am also trying to get a new IPB mod, IPB SEO to work. If I can get it to work then the forum topics should be indexed more quickly thus raising GF's rank on search engine pages. But this could take awhile to do.

And currently we have a total of 50,726 posts and 657 members. We made a total of 1867 posts and gotten 13 new members in the last month. not bad, but could be doing better on the post making.

That's all for this update, I'll make another update topic next month to let you all know how things are doing. If you have any comments, suggestions for the site, ect. please post them so we can do our best to sky rocket this forum to the top and further then any other forum!

-DS B)
GamingForce is the blood sweat and tears of the staff here, but even with our work, it's thanks to the loyal members we have that make staying around possible.