GF Yearly Update 1/1/15


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It's a new month Year! Everyone is weighed down with Christmas gifts and new updates to the GF forum.

First off, Happy New Years to everyone on GF.


As always, I'll start off the new year by announcing not the member of the month, but member of the year! I congrautate AidsorHIV! For being a dedicated GF member and listing his insane gaming schedules. Congrats :)

The Future

Well its been another year GF gamers and much has happened to the forum, one being that we're still going :p We also gotten some great new staff members and we are slowly building up a plan for a stronger future for GF in 2015.

The Blog

Well its been a long struggle, but sadly I no longer have any time for our website blog. It has some great articles and I thank those who put time towards it. But it has become a resource hog and no longer brings in the traffic it once did.

I still like to have some kind of portal for the forum, so hopefully I will announce something on that in the near future.

I really don't have anything else for this update, so I'll ask a question which I hope all take time to answer.


What would you like to see happen with GF in the year 2015? Good or bad or meh, please let us know here or via PMs.

That's pretty much it for now, school will resume soon for me. So my activity will be slightly less but I'll be working hard everyday as usual. So thanks everyone for another great year here and I hope GF has another great year as it becomes 8 years old this coming year! Keep up the activity everyone.

We currently have 142,718 Posts and 1,743 members. In the last month we gain 1,178 posts and 5 members. In the last year of 2014 we've gotten 21,343 posts and 267 members. A pretty good year but we did trim members and posts this year so we most likely have gotten far more. Next year will be a more accurate counting.

-DS :cool:
That's great . Good going GF.

I will try my best to stay active in this forum :grin: 